Everyday Warriors In Action are everywhere.
These individuals display their warrior spirit in their day to day interactions. Live by principal. Make the world a better place with unseen humility.
Everyday Warriors may be found cleaning your local school. Delivering a smile and kind word at a gas station. Soothing fears at an immediate care center. Or volunteering their time in various roles.
Then there are those Everyday Warriors who live life with a smile despite their scars. Overcame obstacles and struggles. Do not boast of their triumphs. Who despite their challenges live life with humor, love, and grace.
Everyday Warriors in Action have a story. A unique gift that’s theirs alone to share with the world.
WARRIORS IN THE WILD dedicates the second Wednesday of every month to honor these Everyday Warriors.
May their stories inspire you.
WARRIORS IN THE WILD is always on the lookout for those individuals who share their gifts with others or overcame obstacles with grace and humility.
Know an everyday warrior in your community? Share their name. Warriors would like to take a second and say thanks!
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